"May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears" ~Nelson Mandela

Author: admin (Page 1 of 3)

True Belonging

What is true belonging?

I spent most of my pre-40 life looking for a place to belong – a community, friends-for-life, people who wouldn’t move, or leave, or disappoint, or disapprove; that wasn’t based on my attendance or a system of belief, my appearance, my ability, my loyalty, or my ______________ fill in the blank.
Somewhere, Someone(s) who felt safe.

Until I realized that this place, these people do not exist. And not because there aren’t beautiful people out there.
But truly, the only place or person I can truly belong to, is me.

“Belonging so fully to yourself that you’re willing to stand alone is a wilderness — an untamed, unpredictable place of solitude and searching. It is a place as dangerous as it is breathtaking, a place as sought after as it is feared. The wilderness can often feel unholy because we can’t control it, or what people think about our choice of whether to venture into that vastness or not. But it turns out to be the place of true belonging, and it’s the bravest and most sacred place you will ever stand.” ~Brene Brown

Whoah. Backup Brene. This is some scary stuff.

But that last bit, the place of true belonging – the bravest and most sacred place you will ever stand.
That’s what I am after. That’s a journey (scary, uncertain, and sometimes wild) worth embarking on.
But, THIS is where the Magic happens.

If you read my story, you may remember the part where I mentioned that I had lost my song, quite literally. I had come to a place where I was so crippled by fear, that I could no longer use my voice. So, when I speak of belonging, it is my greatest honor to hold space for those who are willing to face the fears and challenges to truly belong to themselves, and rediscover their song.

Searching? Hoping? Knowing there has to be more?

I’m here. Let’s chat.

What if there was a place for you? 
Are you looking for deeper connection? A circle of women who truly listen, a time for every woman to be seen and heard.
Not that an occasional dance-party or happy hour with friends isn’t a hoot, but what if there was a place for you?

Contact me for more information on our Women Empowerment Circles.

Second Spring

Japanese Cherry Blossoms in Springtime

Menopause – the change of life, midlife crisis, the point of no return.
What are some of the other terms you have heard?

Here’s some slang words: menopostal, mental pause, men-o-pause.


Here’s a special definition from the urban dictionary: “A special time in a woman’s life when they can’t have babies anymore. They get hormonal, mean, rude, short-tempered, angry, and awkward. Bad time for teenagers to live with their moms.”

Wow, no wonder this is a such a dreaded time in most women’s lives.

Big thanks to Dr. Anna Cabeca, who introduced me to the idea of the Second Spring during the Menopause Relief Summit.
Dr. Cabeca shared from her international studies, that the Japanese have very little or minimal PMS or peri-menopausal symptoms.
They use a word for the time of no more periods, that past reproductive time or menopause, called “konenki” – which means second spring.
What would it be like to breeze through menopause into our second spring?
I’m in, my friends. I’m owning it.
This is my second spring.


Is this you?

❊ Stuck. You really believe that there’s more for you, and maybe you even have the dream and the vision all layed out. But life gets in the way, or something is holding you back.

❊You’ve forgotten how to dream. After all, you have to be the grown-up, the practical one.

❊Feeling the loss – launching kids to college, losing our parents, going through divorce.

❊ Frazzled, foggy, feeling “off”, anxious, not sleeping well, hot flashes, can’t lose weight.

❊ Your life is one long to-do list. Who else will get it all done? 
And you? You’re at the bottom – way down there. You’ve hear the term “self-care” but you *might* roll your eyes at it, because there’s no time OR you know that true self-care has to be more than just netflix-binges, bubble baths and pedicures.

❊ You tell yourself to be grateful for what you have, but the old messages play over and over in your head, and you just can’t seem to out-run them. The real truth is that you’re not truly happy. You want more.

❊ You’ve got big dreams to _________ (write your book… travel… start your own business…). But something is holding you back.

❊ You KNOW something needs to change (because the S#!%s about to hit the fan). You want to start a new job…..have more time for travel…connect more deeply in your relationships… say no to yet another project or commitment. But the story you tell yourself is getting in the way.

❊ What if things never change? What’s the cost of doing nothing?
What if you’re making the same wish 5, 10, 30 years from now. (This is the scariest of all.)

Whew! That’s a lot!
I invite you to take a moment – take a deep breath.
Imagine we’re walking along a beautiful creek, or we’re sitting in a cozy safe space, and there is time for you to ponder and share…..
How would you rather feel?
What is holding you back?
When do you feel most alive?

That wise part of you, that has weathered many storms, grown stronger and has a lifetime full of wisdom to share, has something to say.
Let’s listen to her.

Reach out for a time to connect.


Utah wedding and portrait photography

Hello! My name is Angela Seeling and I am a retired midwife and Certified Professional Coach with a focus on women’s health and functional nutrition. I work with empowered women who are ready to become the heroine of their own story, get to the root cause of their health issues, and journey together through life transitions.
I specialize in “the second spring” and have been called the “menopause/midlife midwife”, working with women to discover their inner wisdom, what’s next after raising kids, and finding the joy in the second half of life, with balanced hormones, and a vibrant lifestyle.
Life and health coaching with me is like being on a road trip together with a guide at your side, holding the map. You’re in the driver’s seat, you get to choose the music, and together we’ll map out the journey and next best steps.

You can read more of my story here.

Find out if we’re a good fit.

Schedule a free discovery session.

My Strengths Story

I don’t know about you, but I often make up stories about myself, and as a friend and mentor recently said about her stories, “I rarely come out on top”. The stories have often had a similar theme of not being worthy or valued, and that I have nothing important to say.
But in recent years, I have chosen to re-write those stories, and as a result, I am beginning to see a different person in the mirror.

One of the tools I have become incredibly fond of is the Clifton Strengths assessment. However, when I first got my results, I was not impressed – there may even have been some cursing when a friend asked me what my #1 strength was. I thought it was stupid, and didn’t describe me at all.
Then I had a chance to take a deeper look at my complete talent profile — all 34 CliftonStrengths themes, and realized I was defining them with the lens of those old stories. The more I studied and uncovered the true meaning of these talents, I discovered the potential and truth about who I am and what I have to offer.

I hired my favorite strengths coach, Eddie Villa, and as we uncovered the truth, I laughed, and I cried, and I discovered how to live my life, and do my work, in a way that honors my desires, and my authentic self.
I realized that I don’t have to compare myself to others who do similar work, and as a matter of fact, because of my bottom strengths (that’s another post for another day), it’s detrimental for me to do so.
When I stay in my top strengths, they tell a beautiful story of me, my desires, and how I excel at helping others.

My top strengths, and the story they tell: 

Harmony – The salt and pepper for every meal – I can see both sides, and seek to find common ground, as a way to build relationships. I find the lily pad we can all jump to.

Individualization – The opposite of autopilot – I bring a fresh and relevant perspective. I am keenly observant of other people’s strengths, and draw out the best in each person. I am present, and create safe spaces for others to feel uniquely seen and heard.

Responsibility – I am loyal and dependable – I keep my promises and honor my commitments. Quality is one of my top priorities.

Learner – I am naturally curious, and a catalyst for change. Although new rules, skills or circumstances might intimidate others, my willingness to absorb new and different factors can calm their fears. I continually strive to better myself, and love sharing what I’ve learned with others. 

Arranger – I am effectively flexible, while being the anchor that steadies the ship. I have a natural ability to orchestrate people and resources, and am best in dynamic situations. 

Restorative – I enjoy problem-solving. I am able to identify potential obstacles, and am valuable in times of difficulty and crisis. 

Developer – I recognize and cultivate the raw potential in others.  I celebrate small signs of progress and my encouragement helps others learn, grow and improve. 

Communication – I love a deep, juicy, conversation. And, I believe stories highlight important messages. I am aware that my words are not always enough to motivate others, and take time to listen and pay attention to what others are saying, and not saying, to help make meaningful connections.  

Adaptability – I’m best when I go with the flow, and stay in the present moment. I can quickly adjust to changing or unexpected circumstances that upset or intimidate others. I steady the ship, and am the calm in the chaos.

Connectedness – I believe there are few coincidences, and we are all connected. I build bridges, and help others find hope and meaning by identifying their place in the world around them, and bring a sense of comfort and stability in the face of uncertainty. 

With this new lens, I can see incredible value, and I obviously have plenty to say — not only to the woman I see in the mirror, but to share with others who also need to re-write their stories.

Do you relate to any of these?
What are your top strengths?
What is the beautiful story they tell about you?
Want to find out together?
Schedule a free Discovery Call.

#strengths #strengthsfinder #cliftonstrengths #coaching #strengths #transformation #transformationalcoach

Winter Wellness with Essential Oils

Hey friends,
I know it’s tough to stay well in the winter season.
So, I wanted to share my tips and top essential oils that I use to keep my family healthy.

Feel free to share with friends.

Please contact me to schedule a personal wellness consultation to customize your 90-day plan.
Ready to get started? Most people start with a discounted starter kit.

Included in your starter kit:
*1-year (no-obligation) wholesale customer membership
*Individual coaching from me
*Team support, exclusive access to our learning community with continuing education, and a whole library of topics such as oils for kids, sleep, pets, digestive health, special needs, active lifestyle, and more.
*A beautiful resource guide, and access to science and research.

And don’t worry, I’ll be right here to coach you along the way in using your oils, and transforming your health.

Here’s to health and wholeness…..

How would your life be different?

How would your life be different…..if there was a place for you?

In our culture, there’s little time or a safe place for women to express their inner truth and be heard by other women seeking personal growth. Woman Within Circles are a place apart from everyday life that give you ongoing opportunities to learn more about yourself. Experience opening your heart and connecting with yourself – and other accepting women. No judgment or advice, just open ears and hearts.

Woman Within Open Circles

Woman Within Open Circles allow women the space to support and be supported in whatever is going on for them whether that is anger, joy, sadness, shame or fear. Open Circles are led by an experienced woman, and offer all women the chance to be heard, or not, depending on what she chooses. Open Circles mean there is no commitment to be there each time and any woman 18 or older is able to attend without any previous training or pre-requisites.

  • Led by an experienced Open Circle host
  • A great way to take your first step into Woman Within
  • Bring your woman friends along too
  • Open to any woman over 18
  • Typically 2-3 hours, from one to four times a month
  • Usually meet in women’s homes or community centers

We invite all women to attend an Open Circle in your area or online. See our Open Circle calendar to find the circle that is right for you.

If you’re in Colorado, be sure to follow our Facebook page for the most up-to-date circle times and locations.

Woman Within Weekend in Colorado

April 12, 2019 @ 6:00 pm – April 14, 2019 @ 4:00 pm

The Woman Within® Weekend will take you on a journey. It is a descent into yourself. Through this descent, you are given the opportunity to re-establish connection with the part of yourself that intuitively knows – your ageless wisdom. You will be provided with an opportunity to reclaim a part of yourself that may have been lost, stolen, forgotten or fragmented.  The Weekend offers a series of experiential activities, guided meditations, and focused individual and group work. These processes have been carefully designed to effectively assist women in finding their inner power and in using it to support themselves in their daily lives. In a safe and supportive environment each woman has an opportunity to reclaim her wholeness as a woman.

To Register for this weekend, please click here.

You are invited to this Weekend not as a mother, daughter, sister, partner or wife, but as yourself. We offer you the chance to let down the masks and defenses which you use as protection, to journey into your past, to experience your deepest feelings and to turn them into positive healing energy. Being among women is an integral part of this Weekend and our staff of women will support you as women have supported each other for generations. The Weekend is based in part on the ancient Sumerian Myth of Innana, the Queen of the Heavens.

Healing, Educational, Experiential.  The unfolding events of the Weekend are intensive. You will work individually as well as in small and larger groups. The experiences of each woman will be different and individual. If you are ready to face some of your fears and past wounds and reclaim your passion for life and your belief in yourself, the Woman Within® Weekend is for you. This is a healing, educational, and experiential Weekend: it is not therapy or medical treatment.

Facilitators and Staff.  Experienced facilitators from the USA and other areas around the globe lead the Weekend, together with the support of 25-30 staff members who have all gone through the Weekend themselves. The concept of support is paramount on these Weekends, and we ensure that there is at least one staff member per participant. For some women, the experience of being supported by other women is completely new and may be the biggest thing they take away for themselves from the Weekend.

Continued Growth.  Once a woman has completed the Woman Within® Weekend, she may participate in one of the other workshops and also apply to staff the Woman Within® Weekend and in time take on a leadership role. Some women start their journey with our organization with the Weekend, while others start by attending a Circle Training and participating in a local circle. Wherever your journey begins, all of you is welcome here.

The Woman Within® Weekend is a powerful transformational experience created by women for women. Since 1987, thousands of women from over 20 countries have attended this two and a half day workshop at locations throughout the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, South Africa and Australia.

Who can attend?

  • For women over 18 years young

How much will it cost?

  • Program fee $695. A $300 non-refundable non-transferable deposit holds your place. Payment plans and financial assistance available. Inquire at info@womanwithin.org

Where will it take place?

  • JCC Ranch Camp, Elbert, Colorado

How do I sign up?

To Register for this event, register here.

She is Me

I share this story as a testament to myself, and for another who may need hope.
This morning I had one of those dreams that woke me with real tears. I don’t remember the details, but it represented the “me too” events in my life. The sadness and shame was heavy and tried to overcome me, reminding me of the dark and lonely places that I have kept hidden in the past. I lay quietly in my bed allowing the tears to fall, acknowledging the pain and sadness.
Previously, I would have allowed the shame to overwhelm me, and serve as proof for my unworthiness, while shoving it back into the shadow so that I could continue on with the responsibilities of the day.
But recently I have done some powerful work in the area of shame. And, as I lay in the dark, I was quickly reminded of another element of my dream — the beautiful angel that stepped up to walk along side me. She didn’t have wings or wear a white gown with a halo, but she definitely radiated a beautiful light that shined into my darkness. You know that friend…..she almost danced into the scene with her vibrant energy, not to discount the sadness, but to bring hope and joy that would invite any down soul to turn their face toward the sun.
And then she spoke to me. She reminded me of my beauty, and that the details of my past, the wrong of others’ actions, or even my own choices, do not define me. They are part of the story, but I get to re-write the ending.
She reminded me that when we step into the darkness with each other, “me too” shines the light on that darkness and lets us know that we are not alone, that we are worthy, and that the beauty that we see in each other when we share our stories, also lives within us.
This beautiful woman in my dream is a real person to me. She is one of the many precious souls that I have met this year through Woman Within International.
And also, she is ME. Within me, and each one of us, lives this vibrant champion who invites us to speak, shine, and LIVE.

In the dark, I rolled over to wrap my arms around the man who shares my bed, and my life. I hugged Caleb, not in need of being rescued or even comforted, but in gratitude – for doing his own work of looking in the mirror, the undoing, and the becoming. For seeing ME, and for ALWAYS walking along side me, showing up in this brut-iful life.

I took my time moving through the morning, taking care of myself with a long shower, a few yoga stretches, trusting that the others in the family were equipped to move through their morning routine without my nagging. After sending the kids off to school with Caleb, I took a moment to sit in the chair with my coffee and tried to meditate and pray. But I couldn’t shake the sadness.

I felt a primal energy within me that needed to be expressed, that noise and voice that has no words. I put on some primal music, gave myself permission to stomp, let the noise rise up, and then as the energy moved through and out my body, I began to flow, and fly and felt the tingle in my body as I felt free.

I sat back down in my chair, chose 2 of my favorite essential oils and rubbed them on my heart to help anchor in my experience. (Balance – the grounding blend, and Grapefruit – the oil of honoring the body, which I didn’t remember until I looked it up later).

This woman in the picture, she came out this morning. I looked in the mirror through tears mixed with joy and sadness, and expressed my love, and gratitude for the beauty I see.

Original video credit: Westone Productions

She is in each one of us, and she longs to be free.
And if you need someone to dance, stomp, and give witness to your story, I see you, and I’m here.   

**Note: So much gratitude to the men and women of The ManKind Project and Woman Within International for introducing us to and modeling this life-changing work.

And for those who need some primal music to stomp and dance to, this video is what spoke to me this morning.

This post was originally shared on my Facebook page in November, 2017.

Fall Changes and Butterflies

Welcome Fall

A time of change, growth, death, and rebirth. It’s not always comfortable. It’s definitely not always easy.

I attended 3 amazing events in September/October including doTERRA convention (see below for post-convention tour info), and a beautiful retreat with 7 other women on the Enneagram, centering prayer, yoga, and essential oils.

During the retreat, we used Ian Cron’s book The Road Back to You and I worked with my friend Stacy Fredrickson to create a chart on Enneagram types and essential oils for each type, which I’m updating and expanding. Contact me if you’re interested, and I’ll send it out when it’s finished. Want to explore your Enneagram type? Click here for a free assessment.


This week, I’ve just returned from an amazing 5-day event called Wholeness – digging deep, personal reflection and stretching with Woman Within International.
I’ve been working with this organization and easing into this life-changing work since February, after 2 years of watching my husband grow and emerge through his work with Mankind Project.

I would love to share more with any of you who are interested in deeper connection, reconnecting with your authentic self, and How would your life be different?……
Watch for more from me on local Women’s Circles, and please save the date for the 1st weekend in May to join me for a Woman Within Weekend in Colorado.


The beauty of this work, is that it’s synergistic with my work with women and support of families, as a midwife and wellness advocate.
As some of you know, I have expanded my services to include 1-1 wellness consults for physical and emotional health goals.
I would be happy to connect with you for a complimentary 30 minute consultation in person or via webcam (available to new and current clients).

Click here to connect.


This newsletter is packed full, so make sure to read it all to learn about all of the new oils released at convention (available now), free educational opportunities, fall promos, and my FAVORITE emotional oils for FREE this month!

FREE Education

Learn how to boost your immunity, keep your respiratory system running smoothly, and receive answers to frequently asked questions about Copaiba! essential oil from Dr. Hill.doTERRA’s monthly webinar, the Empowered Life Series, is designed to bring you the very best in essential oil education with this month’s theme of “Immune & Respiratory Health.”
REGISTER to Tune in on October 18–19 and choose the time that best suits you (or sign up and catch the recording)

Emotional Support for Difficult Times

Feeling sad, frustrated, overwhelmed, helpless? These are certainly difficult times. How do we care for ourselves and others?

Watch my video on Why Emotional Health Matters.
Want more support and education on essential oils and emotional health?

Current members can register for Oil Camp 3 – Emotional Wellness.


Post Convention Tour

Register for a Post-Convention Tour and qualify to receive a discounted Convention Kit (new customers, click here to create an account and receive 25% off retail).


So excited about my favorite emotional oils FREE this month!
We use these oils ALL THE TIME. Never run out. LOVE them.

New and current customers:
Earn a FREE 15mL of dōTERRA Balance®, dōTERRA Serenity®, and Citrus Bliss® by placing any single 200 PV order from October 1 through October 31, 2017.
Limit of four per account, per household.
(new customers, click here to create an account and receive 25% off retail)
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Current customers, process your Loyalty Rewards order by the 15th, and receive On Guard for FREE.
Learn more about the power of On Guard protective blend here.
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And Ginger is 10% off! Learn more about Ginger here.


Blessings on you, friends, in this season of transformation.

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Thank you friends! I so appreciate all of you coming out to the Mayan theater to share in this experience with me. Special thanks to Taryn Brumfitt for creating the beautiful film Embraceand to Katherine Mcintosh for leading our discussion after the film on “Loving the Skin You’re In”. Make sure to check out Katherine’s free video series on the No Judgement Diet.

Such a moving experience! I’ll be thinking about and talking for days. As I mentioned, the best next steps are to take action in our own lives, begin a movement within ourselves, and then pass this on through our daily movements and interactions with others.
Want more from Taryn? Watch her Ted Talk.

If you weren’t able to join us in Denver, I highly suggest you find a screening in your area. Everyone should see this film.

No screening in your area? Host one yourself! That’s what I did, and I loved every minute of this hard-to-watch, entertaining, thought-provoking, laugh/cry, hopeful film. And I adored spending this time with 200 amazing, beautiful people.

If you attended the screening with us, you received a little sample of a blend of essential oils called Embrace that I created just for you.

The blend is formulated with the idea of embracing our bodies and reminding us of this wonderful evening we experienced together in a room full of beautiful, strong people who are loved.

You are beautiful. You are strong. You are loved.
Embrace this.

As many of us may have experienced, our sense of smell can have a profound effect on our emotions, and simply inhaling an aroma can elicit an emotional response. Because smells travel very quickly through our olfactory system to the limbic brain, we can quickly and effectively impact our emotions, mood, and memories, and as a result our responses and behaviors.
This means we can actually re-train our brain toward these new thoughts and affirmations, resetting our beliefs and actions more quickly. So, in those quiet moments, when you are tempted to believe those old tapes — the stories, the lies — you can instead open that little bottle, breathe in the beauty, strength, and love, and renew your mind.

That is so powerful! That’s how we Change. The. World.

OK. I could go on and on. If you want to read more about the science of why and how using essential oils works to aid in the process of releasing and receiving, read my post Essential Emotions.

Here’s a bit about the essential oils that we used to create our Embrace blend from one of my favorite books of all time, Emotions & Essential Oils. I highly recommend it as it’s become a wonderful companion in my prayer and meditation, and is a guide on my emotional journey. You can purchase it here or on Amazon.


The Oil of Self-Acceptance

“Bergamot relieves feelings of despair, self judgment and low self-esteem. It supports the individuals in need of self-acceptance and self-love. Bergamot invites individuals to see life with more optimism.

Bergamot has a cleansing effect on stagnant feelings and limiting belief systems. Because of individuals’ core beliefs of being “bad”, “unlovable” and “not good enough,” they seek to hide behind a facade of cheerfulness. They may fear revealing their true thoughts and feelings. Bergamot’s powerful cleansing properties generate movement in the energy system, which in turn brings hope.

It awakens the soul to hope and offers courage to share the inner-self. Reigniting optimism and confidence in the Self, it imparts true self-acceptance. Bergamot teaches individuals to let go of self-judgment by learning to love themselves unconditionally.”



The Oil of Sexual Harmony

“Cinnamon supports the reproductive system and helps heal sexual issues. It assists individuals in accepting their body and embracing their physical attractiveness. Cinnamon dispels fear of rejection and nurtures healthy sexuality. It rekindles sexual energies when there has been repression, trauma, or abuse. It can also bring clarity to souls who struggle with their sexual identity.

Cinnamon also assists individuals in relationships where insecurities are shown by jealousy or control. It encourages the soul to let go of control and allow others to be free. Cinnamon can nurture strong relationships based on mutual love and respect.

Where there are other insecurities covered by pretense, facade, and pride, Cinnamon invites individuals to be honest and vulnerable, thereby allowing true intimacy to emerge.”




The Oil of Empowerment

“Ginger holds no reservations. This oil has a purpose and will fulfill it! Ginger powerfully persuades individuals to be fully present and participate in life. It teaches that to be successful in life, one must be wholly committed to it.

Ginger addresses deep patterns of victim mentality, which is evidenced by feelings of powerlessness, believing everything is outside one’s control, refusing to take responsibility for life, or blaming life circumstances on other people or outside influences. The victim feels stuck as they decentralize or disown responsibility and blame others for their misfortunes.

Ginger empowers individuals in taking complete responsibility for their life circumstances. It infuses a warrior-like mentality based on personal integrity, centralized responsibility, and individual choice. Here, the individual sees themselves as the creator of their own life. No longer waiting for outside circumstances to change, they choose their own destiny. The empowered individual assumes full responsibility and accountability for the consequences of their actions or inactions.”



The Oil of Honoring the Body

“Grapefruit teaches true respect and appreciation for one’s physical body. It supports individuals who struggle to honor their body and are caught in patterns of mistreatment. These forms of abuse may include severe dieting, judging one’s body weight or type, and abusing the body through negligent behavior or violence. These acts are often motivated by hate and disgust buried within the psyche which gets directed toward the physical body. Though the individual may obsess over how they look, deep down they never feel they look good enough.

Grapefruit oil is often misused in overly strict dietary and weight-loss programs. The reason this oil helps curb emotional eating, is because it encourages a positive relationship with one’s body based on love, tolerance, and acceptance. Grapefruit encourages integrity by respecting one’s physical needs. This oil assists an individual in listening to their true physical needs and impulses. It also assists one in taking responsibility for what they feel. Grapefruit teaches that no amount of food can fill a hole in the heart – only love can do that. As the individual takes ownership of their feelings and gets the help they need in addressing them, they no longer have a need to hide their feelings behind food, body abuse, strict regimens, eating issues, or other forms of obsession.”

Blessings, friends!

“Your body is not an ornament, it is the vehicle to your dreams.” ~Taryn Brumfitt

Note to readers: The information contained in this blog is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any emotional or physical condition, illness or injury. The information is in no way intended as a substitute for medical advice. All readers should obtain medical advice from a health care professional.

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