"May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears" ~Nelson Mandela

Category: Education

Winter Wellness with Essential Oils

Hey friends,
I know it’s tough to stay well in the winter season.
So, I wanted to share my tips and top essential oils that I use to keep my family healthy.

Feel free to share with friends.

Please contact me to schedule a personal wellness consultation to customize your 90-day plan.
Ready to get started? Most people start with a discounted starter kit.

Included in your starter kit:
*1-year (no-obligation) wholesale customer membership
*Individual coaching from me
*Team support, exclusive access to our learning community with continuing education, and a whole library of topics such as oils for kids, sleep, pets, digestive health, special needs, active lifestyle, and more.
*A beautiful resource guide, and access to science and research.

And don’t worry, I’ll be right here to coach you along the way in using your oils, and transforming your health.

Here’s to health and wholeness…..

Fall Changes and Butterflies

Welcome Fall

A time of change, growth, death, and rebirth. It’s not always comfortable. It’s definitely not always easy.

I attended 3 amazing events in September/October including doTERRA convention (see below for post-convention tour info), and a beautiful retreat with 7 other women on the Enneagram, centering prayer, yoga, and essential oils.

During the retreat, we used Ian Cron’s book The Road Back to You and I worked with my friend Stacy Fredrickson to create a chart on Enneagram types and essential oils for each type, which I’m updating and expanding. Contact me if you’re interested, and I’ll send it out when it’s finished. Want to explore your Enneagram type? Click here for a free assessment.


This week, I’ve just returned from an amazing 5-day event called Wholeness – digging deep, personal reflection and stretching with Woman Within International.
I’ve been working with this organization and easing into this life-changing work since February, after 2 years of watching my husband grow and emerge through his work with Mankind Project.

I would love to share more with any of you who are interested in deeper connection, reconnecting with your authentic self, and How would your life be different?……
Watch for more from me on local Women’s Circles, and please save the date for the 1st weekend in May to join me for a Woman Within Weekend in Colorado.


The beauty of this work, is that it’s synergistic with my work with women and support of families, as a midwife and wellness advocate.
As some of you know, I have expanded my services to include 1-1 wellness consults for physical and emotional health goals.
I would be happy to connect with you for a complimentary 30 minute consultation in person or via webcam (available to new and current clients).

Click here to connect.


This newsletter is packed full, so make sure to read it all to learn about all of the new oils released at convention (available now), free educational opportunities, fall promos, and my FAVORITE emotional oils for FREE this month!

FREE Education

Learn how to boost your immunity, keep your respiratory system running smoothly, and receive answers to frequently asked questions about Copaiba! essential oil from Dr. Hill.doTERRA’s monthly webinar, the Empowered Life Series, is designed to bring you the very best in essential oil education with this month’s theme of “Immune & Respiratory Health.”
REGISTER to Tune in on October 18–19 and choose the time that best suits you (or sign up and catch the recording)

Emotional Support for Difficult Times

Feeling sad, frustrated, overwhelmed, helpless? These are certainly difficult times. How do we care for ourselves and others?

Watch my video on Why Emotional Health Matters.
Want more support and education on essential oils and emotional health?

Current members can register for Oil Camp 3 – Emotional Wellness.


Post Convention Tour

Register for a Post-Convention Tour and qualify to receive a discounted Convention Kit (new customers, click here to create an account and receive 25% off retail).


So excited about my favorite emotional oils FREE this month!
We use these oils ALL THE TIME. Never run out. LOVE them.

New and current customers:
Earn a FREE 15mL of dōTERRA Balance®, dōTERRA Serenity®, and Citrus Bliss® by placing any single 200 PV order from October 1 through October 31, 2017.
Limit of four per account, per household.
(new customers, click here to create an account and receive 25% off retail)
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Current customers, process your Loyalty Rewards order by the 15th, and receive On Guard for FREE.
Learn more about the power of On Guard protective blend here.
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And Ginger is 10% off! Learn more about Ginger here.


Blessings on you, friends, in this season of transformation.

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Essential Oil Safety in Pregnancy

Is it safe to use essential oils in pregnancy?

I know most people want this to be an easy yes or no answer. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy.
The answer is, yes, mostly, with caution.
This question comes up often, and I have written different versions of lengthy responses over the years as I have studied the information that is available to us in all of the safety textbooks, aromatherapy websites, and info from midwives, herbalists, and doctors that I respect.
And, what I have landed on is that I really like what the Essential Life has to say about EO usage for pregnant and nursing women.
I hope you find this helpful. Please feel free to copy and save for your reference. I highly recommend this book as a valuable resource for using essential oils in your every day life. It’s a beautiful coffee table type book, packed with tons of great information. I have made a couple of editor’s notes in brackets.

“There are differing opinions regarding essential use and safety during pregnancy as well as nursing. It is common to find warnings everywhere about which oils one should and should not use during pregnancy. The most commonly expressed concern is over topical and internal use of oils.
When using essential oils that are laden with impurities there is a legitimate threat posed to a developing fetus. However, if the user has ensured they are using only pure, unadulterated essential oils, manu of those concerns become unwarranted. It is recommended a pregnant woman be under the care of a physician and/or midwife and consult them prior to taking/using new products.”

Here are a few safety guidelines to use when selecting oils for use during pregnancy:” {each section is expanded in the book, see Essential Life book for full description}
1. Use truly therapeutic, superior grade essential oils.
2. Be aware – when using pure/potent oils, be aware of what they might do before using them. When using more powerful oils, use small amounts and dilute with carrier.
3. Be a wise steward – 1st trimester development – be more cautious
4. Pay attention to how the body responds
5. Use oils aromatically
6. Consider the source – “When it comes to trying to decipher facts regarding essential oils use during pregnancy and nursing, human studies are not conducted. Rather animal studies, mainly on rats, are the source of the majority of information. During these studies inordinately high doses of essential oils are injected at levels that exceed human consumption and fail to duplicate the human experience. Frankly, no human would consume or use these quantities nor do they inject them as a form of use.”
That being said, I personally have a few single oils that I wouldn’t rub all over my own pregnant belly (like wintergreen and cinnamon), and because we don’t have much conclusive data, this is going to be up to each person individually. Many will want a list of do’s and dont’s and you can find them in the interwebs – like this one for example. However, they are all different, so it’s difficult to say which to lean on. I will be adding a post soon sharing my favorite oils for pregnancy and birth, and will lean toward the conservative side so you can feel safe in using them. 🙂
7. Err on the side of safety – use prudence, dilute, and avoid anything that simply doesn’t feel right.
“NOTE: the use of clary sage by women who have a history of preterm labor or miscarriage or are experiencing such should be avoided. The use of peppermint oil while nursing {may} limit milk production for some women and therefore it is recommended for them to reduce or stop usage while breastfeeding. Some women report that minor use is acceptable but advise avoiding regular use so as to avoid a significant decrease in milk production.
Fennel, clary sage, or basil can counteract effects of peppermint on lactation as they increase milk supply.”

Essential oils have been used for over 25 years by midwives, doulas, nurses, and mothers-to-be and have shown no harm to the mother or baby when used with common sense. In fact Jane Buckle, RN (Buckle, 2015) states;

“There are no records of abnormal fetuses or aborted fetuses as a result of the normal use of essential oils, either by inhalation or by topical application.”

If you don’t already have it, the Modern Essentials app has some great suggestions for essential oils to use during pregnancy and birth, as well as suggestions for common ailments, concerns, and stages of development for babies and children.

I also LOVE the Essential Emotions app or the Emotions and Essential Oil book for support with emotions in any stage of pregnancy, birth, mamahood, childhood development, and life.
Many blessings on your upcoming birth!

To purchase my favorite and most trusted, most tested essential oils, click here.
If you need guidance in choosing the right Starter Kit for you and your family, please contact me.

Help! Focus, Sleep, Anger, Attention Issues

A friend asked me for help with her son who struggles with focus, sleep, and anger due to attention issues. I thought I would share here, in case it’s helpful to some of you (and of course, this doesn’t only apply to children).
Tons of research going on in this area. A simple google search will lead you to lots of great info on how essential oils can support and calm the mind and behavior, bring focus, and shift mood.

Here are the top 5 helps recommended by others who have had success in this area:
1. In Tune focus blend – grounding, earthy, clarifying.
Apply (diluted) topically to back of neck, spine, or bottoms of feet. For concentration, focus, mental clarity apply to back of neck or diffuse.
For nervousness, anxious feelings, calming, grounding, apply topically to pulse points.

2. DDR cellular complex blend – regenerating, corrective, repairing
(this also comes in a capsule for easy internal use)
Apply (diluted) topically to bottoms of feet and along the spine, or take internally in capsule.

3. Vetiver – regenerating, reassuring, enduring.
Combine with lavender and apply topically to feet, spine, and back of neck just under skull, and diffuse aromatically.

4. Peace reassuring blend -ease, relax, compose.
Has vetiver, lavender, and frankincense in it along with other amazing oils.
For stress, restlessness, confusion, focus issues. Diffuse aromatically and inhale from hands for relaxation and deep release, apply to forehead and back of neck for focus.

5. Serenity calming blend (great to help with bedtime/sleep) – sweet, warm, calming. Also for stress, anxious feelings, hyperactivity, tension, mood swings, muscle tension, and anger.

Questions? I’m not an expert, but am happy to support you on your journey. As a mama of 4 kiddos and a midwife, I have a bit of experience, and my commitment to you is to journey together, as you become the healer in your own home.
If you would like to chat further about some of these solutions, please contact me.

If you would like to order the most tested and most trusted essential oils above, click here.

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Thu 7 PM

Sat 2 PM


Essential Oils – Simplicity – The Touch Kit

A video introduction on the Touch kit – the TOP 9 prediluted essential oils and blends that every home needs. It’s been a lifesaver for us this month on the road. For the next few days, I’ll be sharing why I love this kit so much, and how we use it.
To watch all the videos in this series: #LBEtouch on our Facebook page

Perfect for: mamas, babies, elders, fit families, travel, outdoors, cycling, bmx, rock climbing, sensitive skin, and natural health.
And! It’s 10% off in July! To receive an additional 25% off through a wholesale membership, contact me, and I’ll be happy to get you started.
I’ll be sharing more each day about each of the rollerballs.

  • Contact me for more info.
  • dōTERRA Touch™ Kit
    With nine of our most popular oils in a base of Fractionated Coconut Oil, the doTERRA Touch Kit combines the best benefits found in essential oils, with the goal of protecting sensitive skin.Striking the proper balance between protecting sensitive skin while still delivering the benefits found in essential oils is not just a matter of science, but also of art. doTERRA Touch has achieved that balance. Featuring nine of our most popular oils in a base of Fractionated Coconut Oil, doTERRA Touch makes application simple with 9 mL roll-ons. It is ideal for children and adults. They’re ready to use so that you can start benefiting from essential oils immediately. Enjoy the convenience and benefits of doTERRA Touch!
    ♡doTERRA Breathe® – respiratory blend
    ♡Deep Blue® – soothing blend
    ♡DigestZen® – digestive blend
    ♡doTERRA On Guard® – protective blend

    Topical use: Apply to touch points such as the back of the neck, wrists, and feet. No dilution required.
    Cautions: Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.

Balancing Chakras with Essential Oils

Teaching Journeying Through the Chakras, on the last Sunday each month with Kristen Boyle of Indie Flow Yoga, has truly been such a sweet time.

As we journey through the Chakras, we talk about each chakra, use yoga poses, apply essential oils, meditate and journal. It’s a beautiful way to refresh and gain insight, see where we want to grow, and where we have been. This workshop is spiritually and emotionally refreshing and educational, and each participant goes home with a high quality essential oil chakra starter kit and knows how to use it.

We’re creating a webinar version of the class and will be posting it soon.

You can purchase access to the webinar for $25 or purchase one of the bundles below. Email me at angela.seeling@gmail.com for more info and to order.

chakras freeChakra Starter Kit – $55
*1/4 dram bottles each: Protective Blend, Lemon, Tension Blend, Lavender, Oregano, Respiratory Blend, Digestive Blend, Invigorating Citrus Blend, Grounding Blend *Fractionated Coconut Oil (3.8 fl oz)
*wholesale membership to purchase your own oils at my wholesale discount
*”Understanding Your Chakras” guide
*Journeying through the Chakras webinar

Chakra Balancing Kit – $217.50 (278.33 retail)

*15 ml bottles each: Protective Blend, Lemon, Tension Blend (10ml roller), Lavender or Oregano, Respiratory Blend, Digestive Blend, Invigorating Blend, Grounding Blend
*Fractionated Coconut Oil (3.8 fl oz)
*wholesale membership
*”Understanding Your Chakras” guide
*Journeying through the Chakras webinar

Natural Solutions Kit – $550 ($733.33 retail) This is my favorite kit as it includes all of  the chakra balancing oils and so many more, plus a diffuser.

Essential Oils:
5 mL bottles:
• Calming Blend, digestive Blend,  purification blend, melaleuca, oregano, massage blend, frankincense, respiratory blend, grounding blend
10 mL bottles:
• Tension Blend, clear skin blend, women’s monthly blend
15 mL bottles:
• Invigorating citrus blend, lavender, lemon, peppermint, metabolic blend, lemongrass

Protective Blend Collection:
• Protective Blend (15mL)
• Beadlets
• Toothpaste
• Hand Wash w/2 Dispensers

Other Products:
•Premium Whole Food Supplements, food enzymes, face wash, soothing blend rub, fractionated coconut oil (4 oz)
• Sample Vials, Diffuser, Wooden Box
• Introductory Packet and Wholesale Membership

*”Understanding Your Chakras” guide
*Journeying through the Chakras webinar


The Taste of Summer

I love June! I am so excited about these 4 oils that come FREE with any 200pv order this month.

Not only are they awesome for cooking (That’s right! Did you know certified pure essential oils can be used internally?) but they have amazing health and emotional benefits as well (see below).

Don’t miss this once a year opportunity to get these limited oils and can not be purchased.



tangerine tree


Tangerine  helps with achy muscles, congestion, poor circulation, achy joints & muscle pain, parasites, and water retention.

Tangerine is the Oil of Cheer and Creativity. It supports an individual in accessing the abundant pool of creative energy held within the spirit. It then assists that energy in flowing through the heart and into physical manifestation. It teaches the individual to enjoy life by being more abundantly creative, and to re-experience the joy and cheerfulness they knew in childhood.

Meditation Blend for Diffuser: Tangerine, Sandalwood, Frankincense, Myrrh, Vetiver



Dill  helps with muscle spasms, nervousness, sugar addiction , pancreas support, detox and electrolyte balance, cholesterol and blood pressure, respiratory support, gas, bloating, indigestion, lack of menstruation and colic.

Here’s a fun recipe for Dill Dip.




Spearmint helps indigestion, bad breath, acne, sores and scars, fatigue, slow or heavy menstruation, headaches & migraines.

Spearmint is The Oil of Confident Speech. It can be a helpful remedy for those who struggle with communicating clearly for a wide range of reasons, from feeling scattered and inarticulate to stumbling over one’s words. It assists individuals in becoming emotionally clear about what they want to say and then saying it. In short, Spearmint can help individuals access their inner light and convert that light to the world with clarity and confidence.



Cumin support digestion, urinary tract, external infections, gas, and stimulates appetite.
And in Europe, cumin is considered a symbol of love and fidelity.


Check out my favorite book on Emotional Healing with Essential Oils by Daniel Macdonald.

New to essential oils? Contact me to receive a free sample of my favorite certified pure essential oils, and access to my free online Essential Oils 101 class.

Need some ideas for your order? If this is your first order, contact me for more information on specially priced intro kits.

To learn more or to purchase the only exceptional essential oils I will use, contact me.

Happy Summer!

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