"May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears" ~Nelson Mandela

Category: Emotions

Winter Wellness with Essential Oils

Hey friends,
I know it’s tough to stay well in the winter season.
So, I wanted to share my tips and top essential oils that I use to keep my family healthy.

Feel free to share with friends.

Please contact me to schedule a personal wellness consultation to customize your 90-day plan.
Ready to get started? Most people start with a discounted starter kit.

Included in your starter kit:
*1-year (no-obligation) wholesale customer membership
*Individual coaching from me
*Team support, exclusive access to our learning community with continuing education, and a whole library of topics such as oils for kids, sleep, pets, digestive health, special needs, active lifestyle, and more.
*A beautiful resource guide, and access to science and research.

And don’t worry, I’ll be right here to coach you along the way in using your oils, and transforming your health.

Here’s to health and wholeness…..


Thank you friends! I so appreciate all of you coming out to the Mayan theater to share in this experience with me. Special thanks to Taryn Brumfitt for creating the beautiful film Embraceand to Katherine Mcintosh for leading our discussion after the film on “Loving the Skin You’re In”. Make sure to check out Katherine’s free video series on the No Judgement Diet.

Such a moving experience! I’ll be thinking about and talking for days. As I mentioned, the best next steps are to take action in our own lives, begin a movement within ourselves, and then pass this on through our daily movements and interactions with others.
Want more from Taryn? Watch her Ted Talk.

If you weren’t able to join us in Denver, I highly suggest you find a screening in your area. Everyone should see this film.

No screening in your area? Host one yourself! That’s what I did, and I loved every minute of this hard-to-watch, entertaining, thought-provoking, laugh/cry, hopeful film. And I adored spending this time with 200 amazing, beautiful people.

If you attended the screening with us, you received a little sample of a blend of essential oils called Embrace that I created just for you.

The blend is formulated with the idea of embracing our bodies and reminding us of this wonderful evening we experienced together in a room full of beautiful, strong people who are loved.

You are beautiful. You are strong. You are loved.
Embrace this.

As many of us may have experienced, our sense of smell can have a profound effect on our emotions, and simply inhaling an aroma can elicit an emotional response. Because smells travel very quickly through our olfactory system to the limbic brain, we can quickly and effectively impact our emotions, mood, and memories, and as a result our responses and behaviors.
This means we can actually re-train our brain toward these new thoughts and affirmations, resetting our beliefs and actions more quickly. So, in those quiet moments, when you are tempted to believe those old tapes — the stories, the lies — you can instead open that little bottle, breathe in the beauty, strength, and love, and renew your mind.

That is so powerful! That’s how we Change. The. World.

OK. I could go on and on. If you want to read more about the science of why and how using essential oils works to aid in the process of releasing and receiving, read my post Essential Emotions.

Here’s a bit about the essential oils that we used to create our Embrace blend from one of my favorite books of all time, Emotions & Essential Oils. I highly recommend it as it’s become a wonderful companion in my prayer and meditation, and is a guide on my emotional journey. You can purchase it here or on Amazon.


The Oil of Self-Acceptance

“Bergamot relieves feelings of despair, self judgment and low self-esteem. It supports the individuals in need of self-acceptance and self-love. Bergamot invites individuals to see life with more optimism.

Bergamot has a cleansing effect on stagnant feelings and limiting belief systems. Because of individuals’ core beliefs of being “bad”, “unlovable” and “not good enough,” they seek to hide behind a facade of cheerfulness. They may fear revealing their true thoughts and feelings. Bergamot’s powerful cleansing properties generate movement in the energy system, which in turn brings hope.

It awakens the soul to hope and offers courage to share the inner-self. Reigniting optimism and confidence in the Self, it imparts true self-acceptance. Bergamot teaches individuals to let go of self-judgment by learning to love themselves unconditionally.”



The Oil of Sexual Harmony

“Cinnamon supports the reproductive system and helps heal sexual issues. It assists individuals in accepting their body and embracing their physical attractiveness. Cinnamon dispels fear of rejection and nurtures healthy sexuality. It rekindles sexual energies when there has been repression, trauma, or abuse. It can also bring clarity to souls who struggle with their sexual identity.

Cinnamon also assists individuals in relationships where insecurities are shown by jealousy or control. It encourages the soul to let go of control and allow others to be free. Cinnamon can nurture strong relationships based on mutual love and respect.

Where there are other insecurities covered by pretense, facade, and pride, Cinnamon invites individuals to be honest and vulnerable, thereby allowing true intimacy to emerge.”




The Oil of Empowerment

“Ginger holds no reservations. This oil has a purpose and will fulfill it! Ginger powerfully persuades individuals to be fully present and participate in life. It teaches that to be successful in life, one must be wholly committed to it.

Ginger addresses deep patterns of victim mentality, which is evidenced by feelings of powerlessness, believing everything is outside one’s control, refusing to take responsibility for life, or blaming life circumstances on other people or outside influences. The victim feels stuck as they decentralize or disown responsibility and blame others for their misfortunes.

Ginger empowers individuals in taking complete responsibility for their life circumstances. It infuses a warrior-like mentality based on personal integrity, centralized responsibility, and individual choice. Here, the individual sees themselves as the creator of their own life. No longer waiting for outside circumstances to change, they choose their own destiny. The empowered individual assumes full responsibility and accountability for the consequences of their actions or inactions.”



The Oil of Honoring the Body

“Grapefruit teaches true respect and appreciation for one’s physical body. It supports individuals who struggle to honor their body and are caught in patterns of mistreatment. These forms of abuse may include severe dieting, judging one’s body weight or type, and abusing the body through negligent behavior or violence. These acts are often motivated by hate and disgust buried within the psyche which gets directed toward the physical body. Though the individual may obsess over how they look, deep down they never feel they look good enough.

Grapefruit oil is often misused in overly strict dietary and weight-loss programs. The reason this oil helps curb emotional eating, is because it encourages a positive relationship with one’s body based on love, tolerance, and acceptance. Grapefruit encourages integrity by respecting one’s physical needs. This oil assists an individual in listening to their true physical needs and impulses. It also assists one in taking responsibility for what they feel. Grapefruit teaches that no amount of food can fill a hole in the heart – only love can do that. As the individual takes ownership of their feelings and gets the help they need in addressing them, they no longer have a need to hide their feelings behind food, body abuse, strict regimens, eating issues, or other forms of obsession.”

Blessings, friends!

“Your body is not an ornament, it is the vehicle to your dreams.” ~Taryn Brumfitt

Note to readers: The information contained in this blog is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any emotional or physical condition, illness or injury. The information is in no way intended as a substitute for medical advice. All readers should obtain medical advice from a health care professional.

Essential Oil Safety in Pregnancy

Is it safe to use essential oils in pregnancy?

I know most people want this to be an easy yes or no answer. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy.
The answer is, yes, mostly, with caution.
This question comes up often, and I have written different versions of lengthy responses over the years as I have studied the information that is available to us in all of the safety textbooks, aromatherapy websites, and info from midwives, herbalists, and doctors that I respect.
And, what I have landed on is that I really like what the Essential Life has to say about EO usage for pregnant and nursing women.
I hope you find this helpful. Please feel free to copy and save for your reference. I highly recommend this book as a valuable resource for using essential oils in your every day life. It’s a beautiful coffee table type book, packed with tons of great information. I have made a couple of editor’s notes in brackets.

“There are differing opinions regarding essential use and safety during pregnancy as well as nursing. It is common to find warnings everywhere about which oils one should and should not use during pregnancy. The most commonly expressed concern is over topical and internal use of oils.
When using essential oils that are laden with impurities there is a legitimate threat posed to a developing fetus. However, if the user has ensured they are using only pure, unadulterated essential oils, manu of those concerns become unwarranted. It is recommended a pregnant woman be under the care of a physician and/or midwife and consult them prior to taking/using new products.”

Here are a few safety guidelines to use when selecting oils for use during pregnancy:” {each section is expanded in the book, see Essential Life book for full description}
1. Use truly therapeutic, superior grade essential oils.
2. Be aware – when using pure/potent oils, be aware of what they might do before using them. When using more powerful oils, use small amounts and dilute with carrier.
3. Be a wise steward – 1st trimester development – be more cautious
4. Pay attention to how the body responds
5. Use oils aromatically
6. Consider the source – “When it comes to trying to decipher facts regarding essential oils use during pregnancy and nursing, human studies are not conducted. Rather animal studies, mainly on rats, are the source of the majority of information. During these studies inordinately high doses of essential oils are injected at levels that exceed human consumption and fail to duplicate the human experience. Frankly, no human would consume or use these quantities nor do they inject them as a form of use.”
That being said, I personally have a few single oils that I wouldn’t rub all over my own pregnant belly (like wintergreen and cinnamon), and because we don’t have much conclusive data, this is going to be up to each person individually. Many will want a list of do’s and dont’s and you can find them in the interwebs – like this one for example. However, they are all different, so it’s difficult to say which to lean on. I will be adding a post soon sharing my favorite oils for pregnancy and birth, and will lean toward the conservative side so you can feel safe in using them. 🙂
7. Err on the side of safety – use prudence, dilute, and avoid anything that simply doesn’t feel right.
“NOTE: the use of clary sage by women who have a history of preterm labor or miscarriage or are experiencing such should be avoided. The use of peppermint oil while nursing {may} limit milk production for some women and therefore it is recommended for them to reduce or stop usage while breastfeeding. Some women report that minor use is acceptable but advise avoiding regular use so as to avoid a significant decrease in milk production.
Fennel, clary sage, or basil can counteract effects of peppermint on lactation as they increase milk supply.”

Essential oils have been used for over 25 years by midwives, doulas, nurses, and mothers-to-be and have shown no harm to the mother or baby when used with common sense. In fact Jane Buckle, RN (Buckle, 2015) states;

“There are no records of abnormal fetuses or aborted fetuses as a result of the normal use of essential oils, either by inhalation or by topical application.”

If you don’t already have it, the Modern Essentials app has some great suggestions for essential oils to use during pregnancy and birth, as well as suggestions for common ailments, concerns, and stages of development for babies and children.

I also LOVE the Essential Emotions app or the Emotions and Essential Oil book for support with emotions in any stage of pregnancy, birth, mamahood, childhood development, and life.
Many blessings on your upcoming birth!

To purchase my favorite and most trusted, most tested essential oils, click here.
If you need guidance in choosing the right Starter Kit for you and your family, please contact me.

Essential Emotions

Anybody feeling a little stressed and anxious? I hear you. I get it. I was THAT mom, yelling at my kids, carrying the weight of the world, and then putting on a happy face to the rest of the world. I still catch myself in the little moments, and am grateful for the tools to center, and calm. 

When essential oils came into my life I found incredible freedom with a natural safe option for supporting my emotions that actually worked. I was amazed, but was a bit skeptical about my experience at first. Was it real? Was I imagining it? So of course, I had to do a bit of research on emotions and essential oils.  So let’s get into why and how this works:

Your nose knows!

“Essential oils are simply a mixture of volatile aromatic compounds. These compounds are able to interact with the olfactory (smell) receptors in the nose. Our sense of smell can have a profound effect on our emotions, and simply inhaling the aroma can elicit an emotional response. The smell receptors located on the upper surface of the nasal cavity make direct links with the limbic system of the brain, where the scent is perceived and processed.” ~Dr David Hill

Read more on Emotional Aromatherapy: Psychology meets Chemistry

Or download the free Oil Chemistry Wheel.

Because smells travel very quickly through our olfactory system to the limbic brain, we can quickly and effectively impact our emotions, mood, memories, and as a result, our responses and behaviors. Our sense of smell is estimated to be 10,000 times more acute than our other senses and sensitive to some 10,000 chemical compounds. Once registered, scent travels faster to the brain than either sight or sound.

In addition to the science behind this approach, I have used an amazing tool and one of my favorite books of all time called Emotions & Essential Oils. I highly recommend it, as it’s become a wonderful companion in my prayer, meditation, and is guide on my emotional journey. You can purchase it here or on Amazon.

From another favorite edition: “Essential oils support healing in five stages. They strengthen us during each stage and prepare us for the next level of healing.”

The five stages are:

  1. Essential oils assist in healing the physical body
  2. Essential oils assist in healing the heart
  3. Essential oils assist in releasing limiting beliefs
  4. Essential oils increase spiritual awareness and connection
  5. Essential oils inspire the fulfillment of our life’s purpose

Really? No wonder I was doubting that this could actually be true. But having had such powerful experience for myself, my children, and many others, I can now speak first hand at the power of these beautiful plants and the “potions” (as we call them) that we are blessed to enjoy.

Many of us come to essential oils with some sort of symptom and are led to either begin in stage 1 or stage 2, or a combination of both. For example, I went to my first essential oils class that was being taught on emotions. I was seeking support for myself and my daughter with mood, and behavior issues. I resonated with much of what was taught, and believed we were onto something.  However, with much research and trial and error, we found that we had to get the root of the problem instead of just dealing with the emotional symptoms.
We worked with our doctor and naturopath, and discovered underlying hormone imbalance, Lyme disease, Epstein Barr, and H. pylori.
We created a comprehensive plan to boost the immune system, cleanse and reset the body, and rebuild our gut health. Within 2 weeks were able to see significant changes both physically and emotionally.
It has been a long journey of recovery, and we are so grateful to have had our essential oils to support and uplift our mood during the process, and in the emotional healing that has followed.

Healing the Heart

As the oils support our physical health, we are then able to open up to receiving the emotional benefits of the oils.

As the author explains-

“They provide us with the energy needed to penetrate the heart and enter the emotional realm. Essential oils raise the vibration of the physical body (Stewart, 2003). AS the body lives in higher vibrations, lower energies (such as suppressed emotions) become unbearable. These feelings want to release. Stagnant anger, sadness, grief, judgment and low self-worth cannot exist in the environment of balance and peace which essential oils help to create.

Emotional healing occurs as old feelings surface and release (Moreton, 1992). Sometimes this experience is confused with regression. People may perceive they are going backwards or that the essential oils are not working. we are so used to symptomatic healing that we have been conditioned to view healing as the immediate cessation of all physically and emotional pain. In reality, the oils are working.”

Release and Receive

It is important to understand that emotional work is a process. There are two main principles involved, release and receive. As Daniel explains-

“We must release trapped negative emotions before we can receive positive feelings. The old must go to make space for the new. We often want to skip this step, but it is a necessary one. We must be willing to experience the cleansing if we truly desire the results. Resisting the cleansing process makes it more painful. We must surrender to the experience so that we may continue on the path of healing. The more we let go and trust, the more enjoyable this healing process can be.

Essential Oils Don’t Do Our Emotional Work for Us

“Essential oils assist individuals in taking an honest look within. They foster the right environment for healing, but they will not do the work for us. In gardening, it is a common experience to pull the weeds while leaving the roots. This is particularly true for hard and rocky soils. To ensure we uproot the whole plant, we can add water to the soil, which allows the entire weed to be removed. Similarly, essential oils prepare our emotional soil so that weeds may be removed with greater ease. However, they do not do the weeding for us. If one neglects to do the work of pulling their weeds, they have simply watered the problem. On the other hand, those who combine essential oils with emotional work reap the fruit of their labor.”

Tools for Emotional Work

I personally use tools such as prayer, meditation, tapping (EFT), and seeing a good therapist. It’s also important for me to stay active in my body, eat well, spend quality time with family, time in nature, have a tribe of safe women to sit in circle with as well as (of course) use my essential oils daily.

Here’s a couple of essential oils that I have had powerful experiences with on an emotional level.
I like to use them in a diffuser, in a carrier oil topically on my wrists, on aromatherapy jewelry, or even just inhaling straight from the bottle.


The Oil of Self-Acceptance

“Bergamot relieves feelings of despair, self judgment and low self-esteem. It supports the individuals in need of self-acceptance and self-love. Bergamot invites individuals to see life with more optimism.

Bergamot has a cleansing effect on stagnant feelings and limiting belief systems. Because of individuals’ core beliefs of being “bad”, “unlovable” and “not good enough,” they seek to hide behind a facade of cheerfulness. They may fear revealing their true thoughts and feelings. Bergamot’s powerful cleansing properties generate movement in the energy system, which in turn brings hope.

It awakens the soul to hope and offers courage to share the inner-self. Reigniting optimism and confidence in the Self, it imparts true self-acceptance. Bergamot teaches individuals to let go of self-judgment by learning to love themselves unconditionally.”


Known as The Oil of Empowerment

“Ginger oil holds no reservations. It has a purpose and it will fulfill it! Ginger powerfully persuades individuals to be fully present and participate in life. It teaches that to be successful in life one must be fully committed to it.

Ginger addresses deep patterns of victim mentality. A victim mentality is evidence by feelings of powerlessness, believing everything is outside one’s control, refusing to take responsibility for life, or blaming life circumstances on other people or outside influences. The victim feels stuck, as they decentralise or disown responsibility and blame others for their misfortunes.

Ginger empower individuals in taking complete responsibility for their life circumstances. It infuses a warrior-like mentality based on personal integrity, centralized responsibility and individual choice. Here, the individual sees themselves as the creator of their own life. No longer waiting for outside circumstances to change, they choose their own destiny. The empowered individuals assumes full responsibility and accountability for the consequences of their actions or in-actions.”

While all essential oils have emotional properties, for a complete approach to emotional wellness, I highly recommend starting with the Emotional Aromatherapy kit:

It comes with 6 emotional aromatherapy blends, including doTERRA Motivate, Cheer, Passion, Forgive, Console, and Peace.
Use the emotional aromatherapy wheel , to help you address specific emotions you might be feeling.
The starter kit comes with a 1 year wholesale membership for future optional purchases, the Lumo Diffuser, personalized education and support from me, as well as a community of essential oil family to share experiences.

How to choose a blend: 

  • Identify the emotion you might be feeling on the emotional aromatherapy wheel.
  • Select the corresponding essential oil blend that is right for you. (You may find that two or more blends are appropriate to balance your varied emotions at any given moment.)

As essential oil chemistry is naturally complex and each person is unique in their response to specific aromas, you may also personalize your aromatherapy applications by using single dōTERRA essential oils from the aromatic plant families corresponding to the emotions found on the system wheel—naturally safe and simple.

A—Can be used aromatically; T—topically; N—(NEAT); S—Dilute for young or sensitive skin (SENSITIVE)

Then couple with empowering affirmations in response to “What would I rather believe?”

Breathe out the old, breathe in the new.

Friends, this topic is so important to me. What would our world be like if we all were able to bring emotional healing to our own lives?!
Please don’t hesitate to reach out for individual guidance on the oils that might work best for you. 

Note to readers: The information contained in this blog is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any emotional or physical condition, illness or injury. The information is in no way intended as a substitute for medical advice. All readers should obtain medical advice from a health care professional.

Serenity Prayer with Essential Oils

God grant me the Serenity essential oil blend, to bring patience and calm, for the things I can not change,
so that I can awaken rested and ready,
with courage and Motivate blend, to change the things I can,
And wisdom and love to BE the difference.


Yep. Time to take charge and make some positive changes.
Ghandi’s #1 fundamentals for changing the world:
Change yourself.
“You must be the change you want to see in the world.”
“As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world – that is the myth of the atomic age – as in being able to remake ourselves.”
I had a mentor that used to say, “Wherever you go, there you are.” We can’t run away from, or take vacation from, ourselves.  And, we can’t change other people or their actions, but we can make a positive impact by starting with ourselves.
And when we do this, we step into the world with presence, wisdom, and love to BE the difference. 

I’m super grateful for these powerful tools that I have to help me navigate my emotions, and take action in my own life in a positive way.
Essential oils really do change lives.
Join us tonight for Essential Emotions    on Facebook.

Ready to begin your essential oils journey? I’m ready to guide you!
It brings me great joy to partner with those who are ready to make a change in their lives.
Click here to read more about why essential oils are so effective as a tool for our emotions.
Read more about our commitment and mission here, and contact me with any questions.

Want to purchase these to amazing blends? Click here and then click “Shop” to purchase retail.
To receive 25% off on your purchase, and for an entire year, click “Join and Save” and add on the Wholesale Customer membership.

For a more complete approach to emotional wellness, I highly recommend starting with the Emotional Aromatherapy kit:

It comes with 6 emotional aromatherapy blends, including doTERRA Motivate, Cheer, Passion, Forgive, Console, and Peace.
And it comes with the emotional aromatherapy wheel, to help you address specific emotions you might be feeling, a FREE 1 year wholesale membership, and the Petal diffuser.


Help! Focus, Sleep, Anger, Attention Issues

A friend asked me for help with her son who struggles with focus, sleep, and anger due to attention issues. I thought I would share here, in case it’s helpful to some of you (and of course, this doesn’t only apply to children).
Tons of research going on in this area. A simple google search will lead you to lots of great info on how essential oils can support and calm the mind and behavior, bring focus, and shift mood.

Here are the top 5 helps recommended by others who have had success in this area:
1. In Tune focus blend – grounding, earthy, clarifying.
Apply (diluted) topically to back of neck, spine, or bottoms of feet. For concentration, focus, mental clarity apply to back of neck or diffuse.
For nervousness, anxious feelings, calming, grounding, apply topically to pulse points.

2. DDR cellular complex blend – regenerating, corrective, repairing
(this also comes in a capsule for easy internal use)
Apply (diluted) topically to bottoms of feet and along the spine, or take internally in capsule.

3. Vetiver – regenerating, reassuring, enduring.
Combine with lavender and apply topically to feet, spine, and back of neck just under skull, and diffuse aromatically.

4. Peace reassuring blend -ease, relax, compose.
Has vetiver, lavender, and frankincense in it along with other amazing oils.
For stress, restlessness, confusion, focus issues. Diffuse aromatically and inhale from hands for relaxation and deep release, apply to forehead and back of neck for focus.

5. Serenity calming blend (great to help with bedtime/sleep) – sweet, warm, calming. Also for stress, anxious feelings, hyperactivity, tension, mood swings, muscle tension, and anger.

Questions? I’m not an expert, but am happy to support you on your journey. As a mama of 4 kiddos and a midwife, I have a bit of experience, and my commitment to you is to journey together, as you become the healer in your own home.
If you would like to chat further about some of these solutions, please contact me.

If you would like to order the most tested and most trusted essential oils above, click here.

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