"May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears" ~Nelson Mandela

Category: Women

Second Spring

Japanese Cherry Blossoms in Springtime

Menopause – the change of life, midlife crisis, the point of no return.
What are some of the other terms you have heard?

Here’s some slang words: menopostal, mental pause, men-o-pause.


Here’s a special definition from the urban dictionary: “A special time in a woman’s life when they can’t have babies anymore. They get hormonal, mean, rude, short-tempered, angry, and awkward. Bad time for teenagers to live with their moms.”

Wow, no wonder this is a such a dreaded time in most women’s lives.

Big thanks to Dr. Anna Cabeca, who introduced me to the idea of the Second Spring during the Menopause Relief Summit.
Dr. Cabeca shared from her international studies, that the Japanese have very little or minimal PMS or peri-menopausal symptoms.
They use a word for the time of no more periods, that past reproductive time or menopause, called “konenki” – which means second spring.
What would it be like to breeze through menopause into our second spring?
I’m in, my friends. I’m owning it.
This is my second spring.

How would your life be different?

How would your life be different…..if there was a place for you?

In our culture, there’s little time or a safe place for women to express their inner truth and be heard by other women seeking personal growth. Woman Within Circles are a place apart from everyday life that give you ongoing opportunities to learn more about yourself. Experience opening your heart and connecting with yourself – and other accepting women. No judgment or advice, just open ears and hearts.

Woman Within Open Circles

Woman Within Open Circles allow women the space to support and be supported in whatever is going on for them whether that is anger, joy, sadness, shame or fear. Open Circles are led by an experienced woman, and offer all women the chance to be heard, or not, depending on what she chooses. Open Circles mean there is no commitment to be there each time and any woman 18 or older is able to attend without any previous training or pre-requisites.

  • Led by an experienced Open Circle host
  • A great way to take your first step into Woman Within
  • Bring your woman friends along too
  • Open to any woman over 18
  • Typically 2-3 hours, from one to four times a month
  • Usually meet in women’s homes or community centers

We invite all women to attend an Open Circle in your area or online. See our Open Circle calendar to find the circle that is right for you.

If you’re in Colorado, be sure to follow our Facebook page for the most up-to-date circle times and locations.

Woman Within Weekend in Colorado

April 12, 2019 @ 6:00 pm – April 14, 2019 @ 4:00 pm

The Woman Within® Weekend will take you on a journey. It is a descent into yourself. Through this descent, you are given the opportunity to re-establish connection with the part of yourself that intuitively knows – your ageless wisdom. You will be provided with an opportunity to reclaim a part of yourself that may have been lost, stolen, forgotten or fragmented.  The Weekend offers a series of experiential activities, guided meditations, and focused individual and group work. These processes have been carefully designed to effectively assist women in finding their inner power and in using it to support themselves in their daily lives. In a safe and supportive environment each woman has an opportunity to reclaim her wholeness as a woman.

To Register for this weekend, please click here.

You are invited to this Weekend not as a mother, daughter, sister, partner or wife, but as yourself. We offer you the chance to let down the masks and defenses which you use as protection, to journey into your past, to experience your deepest feelings and to turn them into positive healing energy. Being among women is an integral part of this Weekend and our staff of women will support you as women have supported each other for generations. The Weekend is based in part on the ancient Sumerian Myth of Innana, the Queen of the Heavens.

Healing, Educational, Experiential.  The unfolding events of the Weekend are intensive. You will work individually as well as in small and larger groups. The experiences of each woman will be different and individual. If you are ready to face some of your fears and past wounds and reclaim your passion for life and your belief in yourself, the Woman Within® Weekend is for you. This is a healing, educational, and experiential Weekend: it is not therapy or medical treatment.

Facilitators and Staff.  Experienced facilitators from the USA and other areas around the globe lead the Weekend, together with the support of 25-30 staff members who have all gone through the Weekend themselves. The concept of support is paramount on these Weekends, and we ensure that there is at least one staff member per participant. For some women, the experience of being supported by other women is completely new and may be the biggest thing they take away for themselves from the Weekend.

Continued Growth.  Once a woman has completed the Woman Within® Weekend, she may participate in one of the other workshops and also apply to staff the Woman Within® Weekend and in time take on a leadership role. Some women start their journey with our organization with the Weekend, while others start by attending a Circle Training and participating in a local circle. Wherever your journey begins, all of you is welcome here.

The Woman Within® Weekend is a powerful transformational experience created by women for women. Since 1987, thousands of women from over 20 countries have attended this two and a half day workshop at locations throughout the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, South Africa and Australia.

Who can attend?

  • For women over 18 years young

How much will it cost?

  • Program fee $695. A $300 non-refundable non-transferable deposit holds your place. Payment plans and financial assistance available. Inquire at info@womanwithin.org

Where will it take place?

  • JCC Ranch Camp, Elbert, Colorado

How do I sign up?

To Register for this event, register here.

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